With development of internet and also for convenience of travelers, it’s now possible to a Vietnam visa through a Vietnam visa center, particularly Visa on Arrival. This is a much better and easier way to deal with all visa matters than to do it on your own.

What does Vietnam visa center do for your?

Normally, when getting Vietnam visa upon arrival, which is also called “pre-approved visa”, you will need to have a visa approval letter which is issued by the Vietnam Immigration Department. However, you cannot work directly with the Department, by the Vietnam visa center.

As such, the Vietnam visa center will:

  1. Work with you to get your information;
  2. Process your information into a Vietnam visa application form which will then be submitted by the center to the Vietnam Immigration Department and request them to process your visa approval letter;
  3. Get the visa approval letter from the Department and then send to your email together with other necessary documents and also guide for you to get the visa stamped upon arrival airport.

An outstanding point to work with a Vietnam visa center is that they can assist you to get a visa for Vietnam urgently, in same day processing or even in just 2 or 4 working hours, or event at weekend.


Entire process to do with Vietnam visa center to get visa for Vietnam

When working with a Vietnam visa center, you will need to:

  • Provide them with required information via an online form or a computerized form in .doc format. The information you need to provide includes:
    1. Applicant’s full name;
    2. Applicant’s passport No.
    3. Applicant’s passport expiry date;
    4. Travel dates;
    5. Arrival airport;
    6. Visa types
  • Make payment of service fee. The service fee is clearly published here: Vietnam visa cost.
  • Receive the visa approval letter from the Vietnam visa center after a certain period of time.
  • Get visa stamped upon arrival at Vietnam airport.

How to select a trustworthy Vietnam visa center?

There are hundreds of Vietnam visa centers on VOA market and you will lose your money if you put it in an unreliable center. It’s the matter of how to identify a reliable one. Are we right?

If so, read these 5 criteria to identify a reliable Vietnam visa center, apply them whenever you are confused about a center:

1. Identify how long they have been operated in VOA service market

Experience plays a very important role in every aspect. It comes through experiments or doing things practically. And it also comes from how you settle the issues you face during your path.

Experience become extraordinarily significant for a Vietnam visa center as they work with clients from long distance in different countries around the world with different urgent situations. The longer the experience is, the better the center performs, for sure.

So, the first criteria to identify a reliable Vietnam visa center is to identify how long they have been established and operated in the market.


2. Test whether their hotline works 24/7

Almost service centers, including Vietnam visa service centers, have their own hotline to support clients. A lot of them publish that their hotline works 24 hours during 7 days per week. But is it true? Does it really work 24/7 to support you immediately when  you are in urgent need?


Make a test! Try calling them at night (their local time, Vietnam Time = GMT+7) and you will know the answer.  Of course, you should try twice or three times to make sure the hotline holder has time to wake up at night.

3. Read reviews of their clients

Clients’ reviews are really a great source for your trust. What clients talks about the centers always serves as the best evidence for quality of their services.

Try to find out the reviews of the Vietnam visa center you intend to use before entrusting  your money on them.


4. Check whether they have a clear address

Remember to always apply for your Vietnam visa online with a center with clear address. Otherwise, you cannot claim them on any media if you have problem with them without being settled by them.

Where to find their address: Check header, footer or the about/contact us sections in their website for their address.

Remember: Do not choose any agent having no clear address.s


5. Check whether delivery of visa approval letter is guaranteed with an exact time or just a planned time

As you may know, after googling Vietnam visa, the results will display numerous addresses for you to choose.

You may access to some, read their terms of use to know whether their processing time is clearly published, whether they commit to delivering the Vietnam visa approval letter to you at a certain time, and if not, what is expected to be provided to you as compensation by them. In case you do not wish to read the long terms of use, just make a call to them, inquire about their policies regarding service such as delivery times, guarantees, etc. They don’t have any policies? Do not choose.


These are 5 basic criteria to identify a trustworthy Vietnam visa service center on which you should entrust your money for a visa to Vietnam.

Do you think of any website that fully meets those criteria? Let us show you one are committed to providing you with fast, satisfied and reliable service